Monday, June 19, 2023

Welcome to my blog!!

 Hi! I'm Abby and this is my first blog post...(eeee so exciting!!) I've always wanted to do this but thought I don't have much to contribute to the world. I'm usually the one checking out other people's blogs, podcasts, facebook groups, etc. Anything and everything that can help me be a better teacher. I follow the old adage of "a good teacher begs, borrows, and steals." I've been very good at this. I know I come up with a few original ideas but mostly I learn from others...and use their stuff (I have an addiction to TPT...shhhh.)  And I love to learn! I mean I really love it. If there was a career where I can just get paid for increasing my knowledge on any and everything, I'd do it. So far, I haven't found one so if you know of a career out there that can help me do that please share!! 

I created this blog as a way to provide an outlet to talk about my education adventures. I LOVE talking about education. Thankfully I have a teacher husband and we can have fun discussions about the things we are finding and learning. I'm hoping my ramblings and adventures will help you as well! I hope to share all the things I'm learning and as I try to implement them in my classroom, you will learn from my failures and successes. I'm hopeful you will find something that will inspire you or at least a tip or trick that can improve your classroom as well. 

My goal is to post at least once a week but it could be more depending on what I've learned that week that I'm bursting to share with someone...aka YOU :). 

Thanks for following along. In my next post I'll share about me and how I came up with the title of this blog because there's always s'more to learn!!

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